How to Apply-Columbus Campus
1. Read the Terms and Conditions.
Read and understand the Terms and Conditions and the Undergraduate Addendum of the contract you are about to sign online. The contract is a legally binding document that remains in effect for the entire spring semester. If you have questions, call us at (614) 292-8266 before accessing the online housing contract.
2. Complete the Contract.
Before you access and complete the online signature to the housing contract,read this web site carefully and understand what you are agreeing to and signing. Also be sure to complete all of the steps of the contract process, including choosing your dining plan, making note of an additional BuckID account or Dining Dollar deposit amounts (optional), and rank order residence hall areas and housing rate preferences. Check the fees and due dates before signing the contract. You can access the housing portal to complete the contract online at https://osu.starrezhousing.com/StarRezPortalX.
3. Space Reservation Fee
At the end of the online housing contract process, you will be directed to a secure web site for payment of your filing and space reservation fees via credit card. This site is secure and will allow for faster processing of your contract submission. After your payment has been completed, you will receive confirmation via e-mail from the payment web site, and you will be automatically directed back to the online contract to finish the process.
4. Deadline for Reservations/Cancellations
The deadline to cancel your room reservation is May 15, 2025; NO exceptions will be made. Cancellations can be submitted in writing or via email.