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Welcome to Ohio State!

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Undergraduate Terms & Conditions Addendum


1.     Contract Duration

  1. This contract is effective for the full academic year, autumn through spring semesters, or for such portion of the academic year as may remain at the time this contract is signed. This contract is binding on the university and on the resident (and the resident’s parent or legal guardian where applicable) for the entire term of the contract and cannot be terminated except under conditions cited in this contract.
  2. Students whose homes are in Columbus, Wooster, Newark, or Mansfield or within commuting distance, or students who could live with close relatives, must exercise that option prior to signing the contract. In signing the contract, students give up any eligibility to live with their parents or close relatives for the full term of the contract.
  3. Students are required to move out of the residence halls no later than 24 hours after their last final. Students extending their stay beyond this period are subject to an additional daily prorated charge for their room and may be subject to consolidation.
  4. Students graduating each semester are permitted to remain until commencement, but must depart no later than 6 p.m. that day.
  5. May session contracts do not extend beyond the May session enrollment period.
  6. Summer session contracts do not extend beyond the summer session enrollment period.


2.     Services Period

  1. When the resident makes a room and dining plan choice on the contract, the university agrees to supply the appropriate number of meals each semester in a dining facility at times when classes and final exams are being held. These dates are further specified in the services calendar.
  2. University Housing and Dining Services does not furnish services and accommodations under this contract in non-academic year halls during break periods. Limited dining service is provided in the dining facilities during the Thanksgiving vacation period. Rooms and meals are not provided during the recess period between autumn and spring semesters.
  3. During recess periods and between academic semesters, the BuckID account may be used at other participating university locations after payment is received and the account is activated.
  4. The resident, at his or her own risk, may leave or store personal property in the residence hall during the winter recess, but not during the summer period between spring and autumn semesters.
  5. The university furnishes services and accommodations under this contract during recess periods between autumn and spring semesters for those students assigned to an academic year residence hall. The resident agrees that dining service is not provided during these recess periods.


3.      Utilities

  1. The university agrees to provide reasonable amounts of heat, water, electricity and waste disposal consistent with university policies during the contract services period.
  2. Cable and internet are included in the fees assessed each semester.


4.     Sanitation

  1. The university agrees to provide cleaning services for hallways, residential baths, and public lounges on a schedule specified and announced by University Housing. Residents agree to notify the university promptly if these services are not performed as scheduled.
  2. Residents of Neilwood Gables, Gateway and Buckeye Village apartments and the Worthington/Neil Buildings agree to accept responsibility for cleaning their kitchens and bathrooms.


5.     Enrolled Status

  1. The resident agrees to become and remain enrolled for twelve or more credit hours for each academic semester within the period of this contract, and to report to University Housing any failure or inability to register for classes on or before the opening of the residence halls for occupancy each semester.
  2. The university agrees that the resident does not lose eligibility for living in the residence halls when dropping to 11 or fewer credit hours for any one semester within the term of contract.
  3. The resident agrees to vacate the assigned residence hall space and check out at the hall office within 48 hours after loss of status as an enrolled student. If the resident fails to vacate within 48 hours, the locks will be changed and the proper authorities notified. All associated costs shall be charged to the resident.


6.     Fees and Payments

  1. The resident agrees to pay University Housing and Dining Services fees for residence hall accommodations and services on the due date as established by the Bursar’s Office.
  2. Fees for any room change will be calculated on a prorated basis.
  3. Fees for a dining plan change will be assessed in accordance with Section 6A.
  4. Students who arrive early will be billed based on their access date. Prorated room charges for students who depart from the residence halls will reflect the last day of access or the date of key return, whichever occurs later.
  5. The BuckID account cannot be used to pay fees assessed on the resident’s university Statement of Account.
  6. The resident agrees that any deviation from the established schedule of payment must be approved by University Housing in advance of payment due dates.
  7. The resident agrees to pay a late payment penalty for any rejected web payments or returned checks, or after any due date according to the university’s late payment penalty schedule. The late payment penalty for residence halls fees is assessed in addition to any penalty assessed for late payment of tuition fees.
  8. The resident whose check is returned by the bank for insufficient funds or whose credit card charge is challenged, researched, and found to be valid, agrees to pay a $30 charge for processing the returned check or credit check.
  9. The resident agrees that failure to make payments as prescribed does not relieve the resident of contract obligations and understands that nonpayment may result in removal from the residence halls, reassignment of current room, denial of residence halls services (including BuckID account), cancellation of current student enrollment, and/or denial of subsequent university registration until the amounts due are paid.
  10. The resident agrees to pay the Hall Council Program Fee assessed by residence hall student governments and collected with the University Housing and Dining Services fees on behalf of residence hall and area student government.
  11. Any resident enrolled for twelve or more credit hours, and failing to check in while this contract is in effect, will continue to have housing fees charged against his or her account.
  12. No refunds will be made to students who depart after the date published in the services calendar.


7.     Dining Plan

  1. All residents in University Housing (except residents of the ASH or German Houses, Gateway, Neil Building, Neilwood Gables, Pennsylvania Place, Worthington Building and Buckeye Village) are required to select one of the Residence Dining plans and the resident agrees that this Room and Dining plan is binding for the entire term of the contract (academic year or the remainder thereof) except that:
    i. The resident may change the dining plan choice to which he or she is entitled until the published deadline. This change will become effective within 48 hours following the date when the resident’s dining plan change request is received by University Housing. Any refund or additional charge for the dining plan will be based on the new plan selected. In case of the Unlimited and Weekly plans, billing will be prorated based on plan usage.
  2. The resident changing from a Room and Dining Plan to a Room and Administration Fee must obtain prior approval from the Director of Dining Services by submitting the appropriate medical documentation. The resident agrees to pay the associated administrative costs.
  3. The resident agrees to use and maintain the university identification card to access services in the dining facilities or other BuckID locations.
  4. The resident agrees that access privileges in the dining facilities and the BuckID account are not transferable.
  5. The resident agrees that refunds are not made for meals that are missed.
  6. The resident agrees that University Housing and Dining Services may consolidate dining services and reduce serving hours in the dining facilities due to holidays and lower demand.
  7. Dining plans may be terminated with written consent of the Director of Dining Services only if the student has a medical condition, certified by a physician that cannot be accommodated in one of our dining facilities.

8.     BuckID Account

  1. The resident agrees to report lost or stolen cards promptly to a BuckID office. Notice may be given by phone at (614) 292-0400, in person at the BuckID office, or on-line at
  2. If a card is lost or stolen, the resident is responsible for no more than $50 in unauthorized card purchases provided the card is reported as lost or stolen to BuckID within two business days after learning of the loss or theft. Once the card is reported lost or stolen, the BuckID will be inactivated.
  3. If a resident fails to notify a BuckID office within two business days after learning of the loss or theft of the card, but does notify BuckID within 60 days that unauthorized card purchases appear on the statement, the resident’s liability for the unauthorized purchases shall not exceed $500.
  4. If the resident fails to report an unauthorized card purchase within 60 days, the resident’s liability for unauthorized purchases may have no dollar limit.
  5. Cash withdrawals from the BuckID account are not permitted.
  6. BuckID accounts with no activity over a 12-month period are considered inactive. Inactive accounts with balances of less than $10 will be closed and the remaining balance forfeited. Inactive accounts with balances over $10 may be assessed an annual $10 service charge.
  7. The university will disclose BuckID account information to third parties regarding an account or transfer only; (1) in order to comply with court orders or other applicable laws; or (2) if the resident gives written permission.
  8. You may access your BuckID transaction history online at
  9. For a complete list of BuckID terms and conditions visit:


9.     Assignments

  1. The resident agrees to provide the university with the information and preferences requested in the Assignment Preferences section of the contract for the purpose of hall, room, and roommate assignment.
  2. The university agrees to consider the information and preferences indicated in the Assignment Preferences section of the contract. However, no guarantee of a specific assignment is implied.
  3. The resident agrees to officially check in at the assigned residence hall each semester or sessions and to accept the space assigned.
  4. The resident agrees to observe the hall/room change procedures established by the university and to have prior written approval before making a change of hall and/or room assignment.
  5. If a resident does not plan to return to university housing at the beginning of a new semester or has accepted a change of assignment during the semester break, he or she must remove his or her belongings by 11 a.m. on the first day of the new semester’s check-in. A hold-over fee of $50 per day will be assessed for belongings not removed by the 11 a.m. deadline.
  6. If a vacancy occurs in the assigned room, the remaining resident(s) agrees to keep appropriate space available and clean and to accept other roommates as assigned.
  7. The resident agrees that, should he or she fail to occupy the assigned room by noon of the first class day each semester, the resident’s assignment to a particular room or suite will be forfeited unless he or she has requested the hall director to retain the assignment. In such a forfeiture of assigned space, the resident agrees to accept other available housing accommodations.
  8. The resident agrees that occupancy of the assigned room is limited to residents assigned to that room, that the room will be used only as living space, and that the space will not be loaned to or occupied by nonresidents.
  9. The resident agrees that upon acceptance to a special program, he or she will participate in the program requirements or move to another residence hall space upon request of the university.


10.     Withdrawal from the University and Contract Inactivation

  1. The parties agree that the contract may be inactivated under the conditions listed below:
  2. Written documentation and request must be given to University Housing before the first day of classes of the semester or session for which one of the following conditions exists:
    i.     Withdrawal from the university after paying fees but before classes begin
    ii.     Non-attendance or non-enrollment
    iii.     Enrollment for eleven or fewer credit hours through the first Friday of the semester
    iv.     Affiliation with special university programs away from the campus area for the entire semester
    v.     Academic dismissal
    vi.     Graduation from The Ohio State University
    vii.     Marriage
  3. The resident agrees to the terms and conditions and its addendum until written approval is given to his or her request for contract inactivation.
  4. The resident who officially withdraws from the university during the semester or session must remove all personal belongings and officially check out at his or her hall office and return the room key/key card within 48 hours of withdrawal from the university.  If the resident fails to vacate within 48 hours, the university may take possession of the assigned space, change the locks to that room, drawer(s), and mailbox(es), and charge all costs associated with such change to the resident.
  5. After this contract has been inactivated, if the resident becomes enrolled full-time at their respective campus, the resident agrees to fulfill any balance of the term with the university (unless inactivation is a result of graduation or marriage).


11.  Contract Buy-Out

  1. Residents not required by the University Housing Regulation to reside in university residences halls may obtain relief from the obligations of the contract upon payment of the formulated costs of 71% of the remaining Room and Dining plan fees for each semester within the term of the contract.


12.  Contract Exchange

  1. As approved by the university, this contract may be exchanged by the resident (current contract holder) with another student (prospective resident) as long as neither is required by University Housing Regulation to reside in university residence halls and upon satisfaction of the following requirements:
    i.      The current contract holder:
          a. Must locate an eligible prospective resident who must have neither requested housing information on the university undergraduate admission application, nor made previous contact with University Housing to request housing information. If a standby request list exists because of limited residence hall vacancies, the current contract holder must exchange with someone on the standby list.
          b. Gives up a contract for residence hall living space, not for space in a particular room or residence hall.
    ii.      The eligible prospective resident:
          a. Must be an undergraduate enrolled full time (twelve or more credit hours) and may not be a current contract holder.
          b. May not be ineligible to reside in housing for behavior and/or conduct reasons.
          c. Accepts that a housing assignment will be made in accordance with assignment policy and will not be to the specific space vacated by the current contract holder.
    iii.     This contract may not be exchanged when such exchange would contribute to over-assigned conditions in the halls.
  2. The parties agree that the exchange of the contract as a whole will be for the remainder of the term of contract (academic year).
  3. The resident agrees to contact University Housing to formalize the request for contract exchange and to determine eligibility of the prospective exchange.
  4. The university identification card is not transferrable and may not be sold to another person.
  5. The contract exchange will be effective only after the signed contract has been received from the prospective exchange.
  6. When a contract exchange is approved in writing by University Housing, the prospective resident accepts complete responsibility for the terms and conditions. The current contract holder is then completely relieved of any responsibility and/or monetary obligations for the contract.


13.  Relief from Contract Obligations

  1. Authority for relief from any contract obligations, as outlined in sections 9,10,11, and 14, is held solely and exclusively by University Housing and Dining Services.
  2. Relief from contract obligations is not given after the beginning date of the term of contract other than as outlined in sections 9, 10, 11, and 14. The university assumes that the person signing the contract has reviewed his or her financial resources and medical, religious, dietary, and other needs prior to signing this contract.
  3. The resident who moves out of university residences during the term of the contract without relief from contract obligations and remains enrolled continues to be liable for University Housing and Dining Services fees which will accrue against his or her account, whether or not services are taken.


14.  Space Reservation Fee

  1. Submission by the student of the University Housing and Dining Services Contract and the $300 space reservation fee serves as a request for space in the residence halls.
  2. In response to the request to reserve space, University Housing will attempt to acknowledge in writing that appropriate materials have been received and that space is being reserved.
  3. If the resident, through appropriate procedure (see section 14), releases the reserved space by written notice to University Housing (received and/or postmarked by dates indicated), the space reservation fee is refundable as follows, provided the resident has compiled with the terms and conditions of the contract:
    i.     $150 refund (%50 of the space reservation fee) when written notice of space release is received or postmarked through June 1st (when the term of the contract begins with autumn semester); December 15th (when the term of the contract begins with spring semester).
    ii.     Forfeiture (no refund) of the space reservation fee if the notice of space release is postmarked and/or received June 2nd or later (when the contract begins with autumn semester); December 16th (when the contract begins with spring semester). (See section 14 for contract cancellation deadlines.)
    iii.     Forfeiture (no refund) of the space reservation fee if departure from housing results from academic dismissal, withdrawal, or non-enrollment during the term of contract.
    iv.     If space is not available, and/or the contract is not accepted by University Housing, the space reservation fee will be refunded in full.
    v.     After serving the purpose of reserving space for the beginning semester of the term of contract, the space reservation fee will be applied to the University Residences and Dining Services fees for the spring semester, and a credit for the $300 space reservation fee will be applied to the student’s University account.


15.   Contract Cancellation

  1. Residents not required by the University Housing Regulation to live in university residence halls may cancel this contract by the following dates:
    i.     When the term of contract begins with autumn semester, the cancellation deadline is June 1.
    ii.     When the term of contract begins with spring semester, the cancellation deadline is December 15.
    iii.     When the term of contract begins with May session, the cancellation deadline is April 15.
    iv.     When the term of contract begins with summer session, the cancellation deadline is May 31.
  2. Written notice of cancellation must be made to University Housing.  Notification by other means or to other university offices will not be accepted and will not constitute cancellation.
  3. The resident agrees to the terms and conditions of the contract until written approval is given to his or her request for contract cancellation.
  4. If cancellation request is not made and received prior to the cancellation deadline date, the resident is obligated to this contract.


16.  Refunds

  1. All paid University Housing and Dining Services fees for any semester during the term of contract will be refunded (except the $300 space reservation fee and used portion of the BuckID account) upon the student’s not attending the university (Columbus, ATI, Newark, or Mansfield campus) and not occupying  the assigned residence hall space.
  2. In the event the resident occupies the assigned space, the amount of the refund of paid University Housing and Dining Services fees will be calculated according to the following schedule after the resident removes all belongings, surrenders the room key/key card, and officially checks out of the assigned residence hall.
    i.      Refund: Room and Dining Plan
          a. In the event the resident withdraws or is dismissed from the university prior to the beginning of the semester or session dining service, the university agrees to refund the prepaid fees of the University Housing and Dining Services contract. Proof of withdrawal or dismissal is required.
          b. In the event the resident withdraws after the semester or session has begun, prepaid room fees will be prorated on a daily basis. Fees for the dining plan will be calculated as indicated in Section 6A.
          c. No refunds will be made after the tenth Friday of the semester.
          d. No refunds will be made to any resident receiving academic credit for the semester or for absences from the housing or dining commons.
          e. Termination of this contract as the result of disciplinary action will result in forfeiture of University Housing and Dining Services fees.

    ii.      Refunds: BuckID Account
          a. In the event that the resident withdraws or is dismissed from the university, the university agrees to refund the unspent amount in the BuckID account. Proof of withdrawal or dismissal is required.
          b. Refund requests must be submitted in writing to the BuckID office.
          c. Refunds are processed when: 1) The account balance is $10 or more, and 2) A written refund request is submitted (see b above).
          d. A $10 check processing fee will be deducted from your BuckID refund for all refund requests.



Occupancy Requirement

The University Housing Regulation and University Housing occupancy requirement requires that all unmarried undergraduate students who are regularly admitted and in full-time attendance must live in university residence halls while enrolled at The Ohio State University, Columbus, or ATI campus, unless

  1. The student is excluded from obligation to observe the University Housing Regulation, or
  2. The student is qualified for a special residence or other exemption, or
  3. The student is excused from compliance with the Housing Regulation, or
  4. Space in the residence halls is no longer available.


Exclusions from Obligations

Exclusions from obligation to the Housing Regulation are provided for students who, before the first day of the semester in which they are entering or re-enrolling in the university, have

  1. Earned sophomore class ranking on the basis of 30 or more credit hours completed and recorded, or
  2. Attended The Ohio State University, or any other post-secondary education institution, for at least two semesters or their equivalent, or
  3. Completed their study at the secondary school level one year or more prior to enrollment at The Ohio State University and by reason of having previously established an independent lifestyle would not materially benefit from residence hall living.


Exemption from the Regulation

Requests for exemption from the Housing Regulation must be submitted on the forms provided by University Housing and may be approved for one of the following reasons:

  1. Actual local residence is with parents or close relatives or legal guardian. The student is required to register with University Housing and qualifies for exemption when the actual local residence is with parent, legal guardian, grandparent, adult aunt or uncle, or adult brother or sister (provided that the regulation does not apply to both parties concerned) and the residence is within the Columbus or Wooster metropolitan area (defined as within a 25-mile radius of the Columbus or ATI campus). This exemption must be approved before the first day of enrollment.
  2. Actual local residence is in a social fraternity or sorority chapter house maintained exclusively for its members. Request forms must be submitted to University Housing and approved about 10 days before the first day of the semester in which the student is entering or re-enrolling in the university.
  3. Actual local residence is in a scholarship or academic residential living unit not a part of the residence hall system, but which has been recognized by University Housing. Written documentation for permission to reside in these special units must be submitted to and approved by University Housing.


Request for Excuse from Compliance

Requests to be excused from compliance with the Housing Regulation will be considered by University Housing. Requests for the reasons listed below must be submitted in writing to University Housing at least 30 days prior to the initial semester of enrollment.

  1. Medical necessity certified by a physician and Student Health Services, subject to the approval of University Housing, which shall establish standards of general application for the determination of medical necessity.
  2. Financial hardship, supported by Parent’s Confidential Statement (PCS) or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), evaluated by the Office of Admissions and Student Financial Aid, and subject to the approval of University Housing, which shall establish standards of general application for determination of financial necessity. If a PCS or FAFSA is not on file, allow six to eight weeks for the evaluation process to be completed.
  3. Special hardship, documenting severe and compelling circumstances that exist prior to initial semester or session of enrollment. Approval or denial of the request by University Housing will be based upon substantiation of the circumstances.


Compliance with Regulation

Compliance with the Housing Regulation is a condition of initial registration and continuing enrollment at The Ohio State University.

  1. All regularly admitted students scheduled for twelve or more hours of credit for a semester or summer session are subject to the regulation.
  2. Freshman eligible for exemptions to live off campus must register their requests with University Housing prior to the beginning of classes.
  3. Once a contract is signed, the Terms and Conditions shall apply regardless of any provisions in the Housing Regulation.
  4. Proof of compliance with the University Housing Regulation is the responsibility of the student. Failure of a student to comply with this regulation may be cause for denial or cancellation of registration. Failure to comply may also result in assessment of University Housing and Dining Services fees for the semester or session in question.
  5. University Housing is established as the authorized agent for administration of the Housing Regulation for the university.
  6. All approvals for waiver of compliance with the University Housing Regulation will be in writing.


University Housing and Dining Services reserves the right to alter or change any information or any programs contained in this publication.

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