Welcome to Ohio State’s ATI campus!
As a student currently living on campus, you are now eligible to renew your housing contract for the 2025-2026 academic year. The information for the housing renewal process is available online, and the contract portal will be available starting at 8:00am on February 14, 2025. The contracting process is online and paperless (for those students under the age of 18, a paper submission is available and required). The deadline to renew your housing contract for next year is 5:00pm on February 24, 2025. Unfortunately, late contract submissions will not be accepted, so you should plan to complete your contract before the February 24th deadline.
Please make sure to read the Terms and Conditions and Contract Addendum, as well as the sections pertaining to your campus, carefully before completing the online contract process.
Please note: You must have a $0 balance payable and no holds on your University account in order to be able to access the online contract process. We look forward to your return to campus housing next year!
* The housing contract renewal process will allow you to sign a housing contract returning to the same campus for the 2025-2026 academic year. If you will be attending a different campus, please contact the Housing and Residence Education office for further information on how to request hosuing at the campus you plan on attending next year.