Get Involved
Students at Ohio State spend an average of only 15-20 hours a week in the classroom.
That is why it is important to consider how one will spend their time outside of the classroom. Most students are a little skeptical about getting involved right away, but involvement does not necessarily mean that you step right into a leadership experience. Involvement means finding something that is important to you and applying yourself to it, whether it's a one-time event or an ongoing commitment. Your Resident Advisor (RA) can help you figure out how to get involved, but still balance your time well.
89.1% of students indicated their RA encourages involvement and leadership on campus and 89.5% thought they helped them strive for balance between involvement and their academics.*
Students who have chosen to become involved feel a stronger attachment to the university and form a variety of close friendships through their involvement. They also do better academically, gain skills and attitudes that contribute to future career aspirations, meet and appreciate people from all walks of life and find that doors to further leadership opportunities and networks open easily.
Students living in residence halls report that their living experience positively influenced:
- Participation in campus events (Welcome Week, BEAT Michigan Week, theatre performances, etc)
- Exploring new learning experiences (study abroad, service, research, internships, etc.)
- Their feeling connected to The Ohio State University
- Their reaching out to new people and/or making new friends
We have numerous opportunities to serve or lead where you live and for campus-wide opportunities focused on academic majors, hobbies, service, beliefs and everything in-between, visit the Student Activities website to search the involvement opportunities available at Ohio State.
* Resident Feedback Survey 2014