Office of Student Life

Keys to Success

Our goal is to make you feel connected to Ohio State, while gaining skills and attitudes that will help you succeed down the road.

Here's our short list of the basics you need to know about the residential living experience on campus.

  • GET TO KNOW PEOPLE - Whether it's those in your hall, your class or your professors, get to know people before making any judgments and build good relationships with others on campus.
  • KNOW YOUR RESOURCES - There are a lot of people available to help and provide information. Use your hall staff, check out nutrition data before you dine and use the Ohio State mobile app. Don't hesitate to ask questions!
  • PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR OSU.# EMAIL ADDRESS - Your housing contract, roommate information and many other important emails will be sent here.
  • Be safe and TAKE CARE of one another - Make sure you take appropriate precautions: walk with others, be aware of your surroundings and be a good friend to others. Remember to carry your BuckID, lock your doors and pay attention to who belongs (or doesn’t belong) in your community.
  • GET INVOLVED - There are endless opportunities to get involved in the residence halls, or if you need the extra cash, consider working at one of our front desks.